Tomorrow’s my first name day—my birthday for my new name
A year ago, on October 23, 2023, I went to the courthouse and legally changed my name. It was really scary. It was probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done because it was such a big thing, you know? Our name is something we associate with our entire identity. For me, I struggled a lot with whether it was crazy, whether I was overreacting, or if I was going to regret it.
At the time, I wasn’t in a great place mentally, if I’m being honest. I’ve had to heal a lot, and this name change was a way for me to signify that—to cut the final tie to a past that no longer resonated with me and that I no longer wanted to associate with. I wanted to feel safe. I wanted to like what people called me. I didn’t want to get triggered and react.
I wanted to like myself. I wanted to feel good
I don’t think many people knew how much I struggled with my name. People really didn’t know, even when I moved. Part of me knows I changed my name to protect myself, but the majority of the reason was that I wanted to feel like me again. And to do that, I had to let the old me die.
It’s not easy. It’s not easy to do something so wild and wholly for yourself. I was raised to neglect or ignore myself for other people. I didn’t have boundaries. I wasn’t allowed to have boundaries. I didn’t even know what boundaries were.
I still find myself getting triggered because I’m still learning how to have boundaries. I’ve had a really tumultuous past 30 years, and I’ve only been starting to feel safe and out of the clear for the past two.
I didn’t expect so much to change with my name change
I genuinely didn’t know what to expect. I knew I felt weird afterward, and I really struggled with my online identity—especially social media—because it felt weird. I didn’t know how to explain it, and I didn’t want to explain it. I just wanted it to feel like my name had always been Audrey. I didn’t want to acknowledge Amber. I didn’t want to explain.
When someone changes their entire name, it’s kind of strange, right? At least, that’s what I projected other people would think. So I isolated myself. I deleted my social media. I cut ties with everything connected to my old identity.
In hindsight, that was the best thing I’ve ever done. It allowed me to build a new identity. It allowed me to create the version of myself that would’ve always existed if I’d been given the chance as a child.
It’s been really weird to come back now and try to mold or combine my past and present identities. Some people only know me as Audrey and don’t know I changed my name. Some know me as both and don’t know why I changed my name. And then there are people who only know me as Amber, who don’t understand who I am now.
My name was memorable. I don’t blame anyone for being confused. My entire name is different now, so it’s okay.
Changing my name gave me the chance to grow into the person I always wished, dreamed, and hoped I could be
It’s unbelievable.
I’m so grateful for all the strength I’ve cultivated for myself while being completely alone, trying to figure out who I am outside of my trauma and tragedy.
I’m still in school. I’m in London right now, studying abroad.
I also decided to live out of my car for six weeks and travel across the country. I wanted to know my country because I want to serve it. I wanted to know what it’s like to live in your car because so many people do. I wanted to understand the differences between states—their strengths, their weaknesses. I wanted to know why this country is so divided.
Driving across the country wasn’t random or spontaneous. It was something I’d wanted to do for a very long time, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.
I’ve never experienced anything so cool in my life. I met incredible people and experienced things I never could have dreamed of while living in one state. I drove coast to coast, through flyover states, and it changed my life in so many ways.
I don’t think I’d even be in London—or be the person I am now—if I hadn’t changed my name
I’m so grateful to myself for having the courage to do that, even though it seemed like such a strange decision at the time. A year later, I have no regrets. I don’t think I ever will.
I like my name now. It doesn’t give me bad feelings. There’s no evil tied to it—only good memories. I can keep making good memories.
So yeah, this is my first birthday—my name day. I’m just calling it my birthday because if you know me, you know I love birthdays. They’re my favorite thing in the entire world. I love celebrating other people’s birthdays, and I love celebrating my own.
It doesn’t matter why I changed my name. I don’t feel weird about it anymore. I love my name. I chose it for myself, and it means so much to me.
If you think I’m weird, oh well. That’s not my problem. I stopped living for other people a year ago—maybe longer. Now, I only live for myself, and I’m so much happier because of it.
Until next time,
“The bigger the mistake looks, the better chance I’ll have to break out and live a real life. Our real discoveries come from chaos.”
—Chuck Palahniuk from Invisible Monsters
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