Leaving the Pain Behind
Sometimes, the best thing you can do is completely let go—let go of the pain, the meaning you’ve assigned to it, the tragedy, the darkness.
Because when you’re so focused on the bad, you don’t have time to notice all the good. And there’s so much good that can be missed when you hold on to pain for too long.
Choosing How to Spend Your Days
Life is short, yes, but there’s always time for what matters most. We exist every day, and each day we wake up, we make choices—consciously or not—about how to spend it.
How many days have I wasted prioritizing all the wrong things? How much time have I lost to misery?
As much as my traumatic past held me back, I know it shaped me. It made me who I am today—someone clearer, more mature, and more emotionally stable. But I can’t ignore how much time I’ve lost along the way.
Let Go of the Story
Leaving the past behind doesn’t erase what I went through or the work I had to do to heal. My story is dark and imperfect. It’s not beautiful or happy. But I don’t have to carry it like a dark cloud over my head forever.
My past no longer controls me. It doesn’t dictate my present or my future. I have the power now to write a new story—one that I create for myself.
I’m the only voice that can tell my story, and I get to decide how to tell it. For so long, I thought I could only be the victim, but now I see I can be the victor. I’m the one who gets to decide to let go.
Choosing to Let Go and Move Forward
There’s so much power in moving on. Leaving the past where it belongs—in the past—is the best way to prove I’ve won.
So, I choose to love myself, to embrace all my parts, even the darkest ones. I’m choosing to surround myself with what makes me happiest and to become the best version of me.
I am choosing to move forward with life. I choose the present and the future. I’m choosing to finally let go.
From here on out, I choose me.
As always, don’t forget to share your revelations with me below ♡
Until next time,
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