I’ve just had one of the most unexpectedly entertaining experiences of my road trip so far. I made the bold (and slightly regrettable) decision to take I-5 toward San Diego. What I didn’t know was that on Saturdays, it seems like half of LA County has the same idea.
After crawling through stop-and-go traffic for what felt like an eternity, I decided to stop at a rest area to take a nap. Little did I know, this would turn out to be the most entertaining rest stop I’ve ever been to.
The Ultimate People-Watching Experience on I-5
This rest stop between LA and San Diego is something else. It’s like a microcosm of humanity, with every kind of person you can imagine coming and going. Wealthy families with nannies, kids in muscle cars, monks, and even a band in matching shirts hanging out in their van—it’s all here. People are selling things out of their car trunks, and there’s this constant, lively flow of energy.
I’ve been to plenty of rest stops, especially in Washington and Oregon, where things are much quieter and less interactive. But here? It’s a whole vibe. The range of people and lifestyles represented at this one stop blew my mind. It’s like the ultimate random sample of society.
The Gummy Worm Incident
Of course, no rest stop adventure is complete without a little chaos. Before my nap, I left my gummy worms on the dashboard. Big mistake. Despite the sunscreen on my windshield, the worms melted into a sticky, gooey mess that seeped through the bag and caked onto my freshly cleaned dashboard. Lesson learned: don’t underestimate the sun.
Letting Go (Of Stuff and Judgments)
I’ve been thinking a lot about the stuff I’m carrying with me. It’s hard to let go of things, even if they don’t serve me anymore. Like my amazing griddle pan—I love it, but realistically, I rarely use it. The value of these items feels so much bigger in my head than what I actually paid for them (hello, thrift store finds).
This trip is teaching me that I need to be more intentional about what I keep and what I let go of, whether it’s material things or judgments. For example, I still catch myself worrying about what strangers think of me—like putting up window socks to keep my car cool when I nap. Why does it matter? These people don’t even know my name, and I’ll never see them again.
The Chaos of Leaving the I-5 Rest Stop
Traffic has finally started flowing again on I-5, but leaving this rest stop has been its own adventure. Cars are stacked in the truck lanes, people are trying to navigate every which way, and it’s pure chaos. I’d love to leave, but honestly, I don’t think I can get out without joining the cluster of cars all trying to do the same thing.
Big Takeaways
This rest stop reminded me that even the most unexpected places can be entertaining and thought-provoking. It also reinforced some key lessons:
1. Let go of what doesn’t serve you—whether it’s physical stuff or mental baggage.
2. Don’t sweat what strangers think; focus on your own comfort and well-being.
3. Always, always keep your gummy worms in the cooler.
As I sit here watching the chaos unfold, I can’t help but laugh and appreciate the absurdity of it all. This stop might have been overwhelming, but it’s also been one of the most memorable parts of my trip so far.
As always, don’t forget to share your revelations with me below ♡
Until next time,
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